As you have probably observed, traditional ways of learning are falling short with today’s modern workforce.
Technology and digital-first thinking continues to accelerate changes to how we do business, our approach to learning must also catch up.
This visual, originally created by our learning partner, Allego, highlights the evolution of modern learning by showing us the old way versus the new way.
The “old” way still works; however, it must be combined with new and modern approaches to learning in order to build resilience, create muscle memory, and ensure new skills/knowledge won’t be forgotten.
Before we dive into how to build modern learning into your sales culture, let’s take a quick look at what it means:
“A modern learning environment, unlike the traditional one, is a learning space that is more interactive, innovative, and connected. The primary purpose of a modern learning environment is to help people learn better and nurture their ability to meet future challenges.”
Modern learning isn’t necessarily about using the latest technology, software, or systems out there, it’s about investing in curiosity, agility, and ongoing education for your sales team.
Prioritizing learning will help your sales team become more productive, innovative, and successful in the long run.
Dive Deeper Into Modern Learning
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